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2º torneio de rápidas feira do livro - lagos (15 de agosto)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony16.08.2024 09:56:53, Creator/Last Upload: fpxfaro

Search for player Szukanie

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1Pena, HélioPOR1884
2Bittner, Titus Teodor1973193GER1839Loulé ++
3Bento, Rudolfo António De Campos1910450POR1821Ca Arroios
4Maria, Gonçalo Filipe Guerreiro1976125POR1753Afn Gil Eanes
5Coelho, Rodrigo Brito1979370POR1703Afn Gil Eanes
6Tsuzuki, Yan1983024BRA1675Afn Gil Eanes
7Braun, Maurice Paul Raymond690830FRA1642Afn Gil Eanes
8Oliveira, José Casimiro Serrano1975943POR1618Afn Gil Eanes
9Gambôa, Quévin Milhano1976826POR1594Afn Gil Eanes
10Correia, Margarida De Melo Pereira1971204POR1576Afn Gil Eanes
11Freitas, Carlos Duarte1982990POR1546Afn Gil Eanes
12Popovici, Vitor1976176POR1472Afn Gil Eanes
13Bento, Francisca Mendes1969498POR0Adrc Mata De Benfica
14Bliuc, Leonardo Veci1986333POR0Afn Gil Eanes
15Bliuc, Maximilian Veci1986163POR0Afn Gil Eanes
16Correia, CarlosPOR0
17Costa, Fábio Júnior Oliveira FernandePOR0Afn Gil Eanes
18Deryvolkov, Matvei1986171POR0Afn Gil Eanes
20Hennebry, DarraghPOR0
21Marvão, PedroPOR0
22Mitreanu, AndreiROU0Afn Gil Eanes
23Mitreanu, SerguiPOR0
24Morcan, Valeriu1986554MDA0Afn Gil Eanes
25Neves, DanielPOR0
26Neves, RicardoPOR0
27Nunes, AlexandrePOR0
28Opatskyy, Danylo1986198POR0Afn Gil Eanes
29Opatskyy, NazariyPOR0Afn Gil Eanes
31sousa, GuilhermePOR0
32Thomposon, Leonardo MartinsPOR0Afn Gil Eanes
33Volkov, ErikPOR0Afn Gil Eanes
34Yaniziv, StefanPOR0