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Ambition 9th International Blitz Rating Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony07.08.2024 19:26:04, Creator/Last Upload: Bangladesh Chess Federation

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1Rubel, Hossen10243046BAN1985
2Md Rabiul, Hossain10227776BAN1863
3Md, Ashraful532003463BAN1660
4Saiful Islam, Rasel10285407BAN1573
5Kazi, Fatin Noor10293450BAN1562
6Shobontic, Saha10288325BAN1516
7Talha, Jobayer10299548BAN1439
8Archya Mazumder,BAN0
9Golam Kibria,532003773BAN0
10Kazi Ashfaq,BAN0