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3ER TORNEO DE AJEDREZ PALENQUE 2024 CATEGORIA 2A. FUERZAPosledná aktualizácia 20.08.2024 21:02:04, Creator/Last Upload: Club GM Bobby Fischer
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | Mendez, Velasco Fernando | | MEX | 1739 | Chiapas |
2 | | Ruiz, Lopez Pablo Staling | 5150892 | MEX | 1691 | Tabasco |
3 | | Maza, Garcia Francisco | | MEX | 1677 | Chiapas |
4 | | Moreno, Jimenez Jeronimo | | MEX | 1673 | Chiapas |
5 | | Palacios, Rodriguez Jorge Antonio | | MEX | 1673 | Chiapas |
6 | | Coronel Villatoro, Ignacio Humberto | 5180104 | MEX | 1645 | Chiapas |
7 | | Morales, Hernandez Williams | | MEX | 1643 | Chiapas |
8 | | Moreno, Santiago Alejandro Arturo | | MEX | 1629 | Chiapas |
9 | | Zuniga, Chacon Carlos Daniel | 5135540 | MEX | 1627 | Chiapas |
10 | | Martinez, Magana Edgar Geovanny | | MEX | 1619 | Chiapas |
11 | | Mendez, De La Cruz Eduardo | | MEX | 1612 | Chiapas |
12 | | Abnaal, Mendez Aaron Inaki | | MEX | 1596 | Chiapas |
13 | | Vazquez, Penate Marvin Pascual | | MEX | 1593 | Chiapas |
14 | | Moreno, Guzman Juan | | MEX | 1584 | Chiapas |
15 | | Yanez, Dominguez Jose Alexandro | | MEX | 1564 | Chiapas |
16 | | Alvarado, Martinez Hernan Alejandro | | MEX | 1558 | Chiapas |
17 | | Triana, Gomez Juan Carlos | | MEX | 1548 | Chiapas |
18 | | Arcos Peñate, Pedro Yoseff | | MEX | 0 | |
19 | | Cruz Lopez, Adrina | | MEX | 0 | |