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4to. Torneo de Ajedrez Rapido-Teoloyucan -Categoria Sub 2000 Rating Rapido

Last update 29.08.2024 06:07:46, Creator/Last Upload: Jorge Antonio Castro Avila

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Starting rank

1Cortes Rosales, Francisco Isaac5145457MEX1896
2Mondragon, Adonaegui Ivan5135702MEX1889
3Hernandez Urbina, Martin5103851MEX1855
4Reyes Marquez, Kevin YoshuaMEX1795
5Carranza Gallegos, Christian IsraelMEX1740
6Vazquez Cano, EnriqueMEX1681
7Robles Martinez, Roberto CarlosMEX1674
8Cortes, Martinez Luis Felipe29612136MEX1654
9Rodriguez Juarez, Roberto DemianMEX1423
10Aguilar Lopez, Leon IsacMEX0
11Amado Garcia, Diego MisaelMEX0
12Cid Suarez, RodrigoMEX0
13Cid Suarez, Santiago AbrahamMEX0
14Flores Ochoa, Jorge ArturoMEX0
15Garay Velazquez, Dylan GiovaniMEX0
16Godinez Marquez, ValentinMEX0
17Medina Duarte, JesusMEX0
18Medina Hernandez, Diego IgnacioMEX0
19Caballero Lopez, Victor HeribertoMEX0