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BLZ 320º Torneio KAIZEN Dos Fortes Blitz LBX In Memorian Professor Ribamar FELICITTÀ SHOPPING Bairro Águas Claras - DF Sábado dia 17/07/2024 ás 20h.

Last update 01.08.2024 18:55:59, Creator/Last Upload: Sebastiao

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Starting rank

1CMDE SIQUEIRA, Luigy Lira530450BRA2616Brasília-Df
2CAMPOS, Westerley Batista520611BRA2363Anápolis (Go)
3BREITMAN, Nelson Rodrigues530693BRA2210Brasília-Df
4SOARES, Estevao Luiz530050BRA2166Brasília-Df
5MAMEDIO, Felipe291706BRA2072Piraí Do Norte-Ba
6Almeida, Joao Pedro Martins Figueiredo604092BRA1971Brasilia (Df)
7SOUZA, Romelio Lustoza534230BRA1819Brasília (Df)
8DA SILVA, Jonatan Rodrigues533447BRA1785Brasilia (Df)
9DE SANTANA, Gildo Fellipe Travassos606231BRA1800Brasília (Df)
10DE ALMEIDA, Lisa Travassos606229BRA1800Brasília (Df)