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Ms. Janice 1st Mini-Chess

Darrera actualització01.08.2024 15:13:18, Creador/Darrera càrrega: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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Rànquing inicial

1Pinchart, KaliSEY1200
2Bauchereau, EtoileSEY1150
3Betsy, TristanSEY1100
4Pillay, AndrewSEY1100
5Doffay, MaeSEY1050
6Laurence, SkySEY1000
7Mahoune, HaileySEY1000
8Morin-Adeline, MayaSEY1000
9Moustache, SophiaSEY1000
10Nworie, PreciousSEY1000
11Desaibin, CendrineSEY950
12Thorpe-Fairall, MaissieSEY900