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6ª Etapa do Circuito Pensado (Treinamento para o Interclubes) - ALEX 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony04.08.2024 22:20:45, Creator/Last Upload: AlvaroFrota

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1Eduardo, Moraes Lopes4895BRA2051Alex
2Paulo, Roberto Costa Veiga Da Silva4299BRA1877Alex
3Joao, Galetti Carvalho4566BRA1873Ffc
4Jose, Claide Teixeira Barros3385BRA1814Alex
5Gabriel, Silva Das Merces4944BRA1701Alex
6Michel, Klem Chaves Carreiro Da Silva5086BRA1474Alex
7Valdecir, Da Silva Pereira4692BRA1441Alex
8Maicon, Lago Sampaio4672BRA1353Alex
9Eduardo, De Carvalho Reis Rotta5137BRA10Alex
10Guilherme, Henrique De Paula Reis5187BRA10Alex
11Teo, Ronai Lima5219BRA10Alex