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UAE open Individual Chess Championship U20 2024

Senast uppdaterad07.08.2024 17:29:12, Creator/Last Upload: UAE Chess Federation

Lista över spelare

1CMMohamed, Saeed Laily9314946UAE1962Fujairah Chess Club
2Zayed, Sultan Al Taher9310592UAE1945Sharjah Chess Club
3Hamad, Shuaib Al Kaff9322710UAE1746Sharjah Chess Club
4Ahmed Waqqas, Alawlaqi9318631UAE1693Abu Dhabi Chess Club
5Talal Mohammed, Al Blooshi9316850UAE1450Sharjah Chess Club
6Mohamed, Hasan Alfardan9330941UAE1407Abu Dhabi Chess Club
7Mohamed, Abdalla Alzarooni9330127UAE0Sharjah Chess Club
8Omar, Ayoub Abbas9329960UAE0