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UAE open Individual Chess Championship U18G 2024

Darrera actualització05.08.2024 18:39:46, Creador/Darrera càrrega: UAE Chess Federation

Llista del rànquing inicial

1WCMFatima, Saif Al-Ali9312420UAE1721Sharjah Women Chess Club
2Aisha, Mohamed Al Muaini9314741UAE1695Sharjah Women Chess Club
3Latifah, Darmaki9312579UAE1582Abu Dhabi Chess Club
4Shahd Abdulla, Al Mazrouei9316817UAE1428Abu Dhabi Chess Club
5Reem, Alsaqqaf9326740UAE0Abu Dhabi Chess Club
6Shamma, Khalid Al Abdouli9321004UAE0Dubai Chess Club