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1st ALRAM NEPAL District-Wide Inter-School (Girls) Chess Competition-2081 Contact: 9808862853, 9851077838

Last update 02.08.2024 11:38:10, Creator/Last Upload: Nepal Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Aayusha, AdhikariNEP0Kidland Secondary School
2Ankita, TamangNEP0Amar Kanti Secondary English School
3Anushka, ShresthaNEP0Nazareth School
4Archana, K.C.NEP0Lok Smriti Higher Secondary School
5Bebolina, BhandariNEP0Nava Parbat Secondary School
6Krisha, DangolNEP0Lok Smriti Higher Secondary School
7Nirmala, MoktanNEP0Paradise School
8Prabjyot, Kour AroraNEP0Shining Stars Sec. Boarding School
9Purnima, LamaNEP0Nazareth School
10Sadikshya, AdhikariNEP0PEACE Garden Sceondary School
11Salina, RaiNEP0Kid Land Secondar School
12Sawera, ByjankarNEP0Mount Harmon School
13Sebika, BhattaraiNEP0Amar Kanti Secondary English School
14Shreejala, MaharjanNEP0PEACE Garden Sceondary School
15Shreya, RaiNEP0Ekta Academy
16Sofia, KhatriNEP0Paradise School
17Subigya, ShresthaNEP0Ekta Academy
18Sujata, Thapa MagarNEP0Nava Parbat Secondary School
19Unika, ShresthaNEP0Shining Stars Sec. Boarding School
20Yunika, ShresthaNEP0Mount Harmon