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Competitors who get 4 or more points out of 6 rounds, will be qualified for final competition

SLSCA Individual Chess Championship 2024 - North Western Province Under 11 Boys (2013/2014)

Last update 04.08.2024 15:13:48, Creator/Last Upload: Sri Lanka School Chess Association

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Starting rank

1Samaraweera, S M Sethika Hansira29974615SRI1620Royal International School - Kurune
2Jayarathne, L M29987164SRI1529Lyceum International School - Kuru
3Liyanage, H L C G29987415SRI1516Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
4Samarakoon, S M R S Ayod29974631SRI1504Royal International School - Kurune
5Wijegunarathne, M T I29988152SRI1497Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
6Rathnayake, Uthum Induwara29987784SRI1477Lyceum International School - Kuru
7Doratiyawa, W M S A B29977509SRI1435Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
8Jayasinghe, J A K D80812244SRI1430Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
9Dissanayaka, D M S R80813089SRI1429Lyceum International School - Kuru
10Wanninayake, W M S D29988055SRI1419Royal International School - Kurune
11Abeyrathne, A H M T P29986281SRI1410Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
12Aberathna, A H M MatheeshaSRI0Ana/Kannangara Model College
13Ahmed, A A AhsanSRI0P/Zahira National College
14Amarasinghe, S A A J GSRI0Sir John Kothalawala National Schoo
15Ammar, M A ASRI0Ku/I/Shasthraavinda Piriven Vidyala
16Ariyasinghe, M VSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
17Aroshana, S M Y KSRI0Royal International School - Kurune
18Athapaththu, A R M T DSRI0Nk/Wa/ Demataluwa Maha Vidyalaya
19Balasooriya, B M TSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
20Bandara, B W R SanthulSRI0Nw/Ku/I/ Devapala College
21Bandara, M M C MSRI0Nk/Wa/ Demataluwa Maha Vidyalaya
22Budagoda, B D D VidunithaSRI0St.John Paul II English Medium Coll
23Bulathsinhala, B A B MSRI0Kuli/Assadduma Subharathi Vidyalaya
24Bulegoda, B A S DSRI0Saranath College Kuliyapitiya
25Chiranga, K B N HSRI0Jayaisuru Primary College
26Dahampath, D M T NSRI0Ibbagamuwa Central College
27Damyuru, M M S ThewjanSRI0Nw/Nk/ Sri Sumangala NationalSchool
28Dassanayake, H M O DSRI0St Annes College
29Dayarathne, L W D BSRI0Sir John Kothalawala National Schoo
30De Silva, Y S T KSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
31De Zoysa, W T RakithaSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
32Dewasurendra, Pio SurajSRI0Wen/ St.Joseph Vaz College
33Dharmakirthi, N H R MSRI0Nk/Wa/ Demataluwa Maha Vidyalaya
34Dharmasena, D M S NSRI0Ibbagamuwa Central College
35Dilman, K ShihanSRI0St.John Paul II English Medium Coll
36Disanayaka, P P M SSRI0Nw/Giri/Udakekulawala Maha Vidyalay
37Dissanayake, D M Thanuka DanujaSRI0Anamaduwa Central College
38Ekanayake, E M S NSRI0Pannala National School
39Ekanayake, E M V S DSRI0Lyceum International School - Kuru
40Fernando, L N SSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
41Fonseka, W D L SSRI0Wen/ St.Joseph Vaz College
42Godakuru, G P Isira DulnethSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
43Gunasinghe, A W T TSRI0Wickramashila National School
44Gunawardana, A G M D SSRI0Saranath College Kuliyapitiya
45Hasaral, H Vidula SenithaSRI0Pu/Welasiya Government School
46Herath, H M Aditha nirmanaSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
47Herath, H M D D BSRI0
48Herath, H M S DSRI0Pannala National School
49Herath, H M S RSRI0Pannala National School
50Hettiarachchi, H D M SSRI0St Annes College
51Karunarathna, H M L NSRI0Royal International School - Kurune
52Karunarathna, S ISRI0Napokuna Primary School
53Kenul, W A DSRI0Nk/Wa/ Dambaliyadda Primary School
54Kodikara, K D D ISRI0Wickramashila National School
55Liyanage, Sasath PasinduSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
56Mahawatta, M G P JSRI0Nw/Giri/Rathanalankara Maha Vidyala
57Mallawaarachchi, Savinu hirunakaSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
58Manthila, P G SSRI0Wen/ St.Joseph Vaz College
59Marambage, M PdSRI0Nk/ Jayanthi Central College
60Mario, NimrodhSRI0St.John Paul II English Medium Coll
61Minhas, W K SawithaSRI0Ch/ Bishop Edmund Peiris Boys
62Nethmira, B H SSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
63Pabasara, T H PSRI0Wickramashila National School
64Pabasara, W OSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
65Pathiraja, K M D DSRI0Nk/Wa/ Demataluwa Maha Vidyalaya
66Perera, H A Yunal BanujaSRI0Put/Anagarika Darmapala Primar
67Perera, M S SSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
68Prasad, N D MSRI0Put/Ananda National School
69Prasanna, H M Sahan SithijayaSRI0Mahasen National School
70Prathyushan, K PSRI0Princes International School
71Premachandra, B M J DSRI0Nw/Nk/ Sri Sumangala NationalSchool
72Premadasa, D R N USRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
73Pudamjith, A T RSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
74Raees, M S MohammadSRI0Nw/Nk/ Babul Adam Muslim Maha Vidya
75Rajaguru, R M H TSRI0
76Rajakaruna, R M Y DSRI0Lyceum International School - Kuru
77Rajapaksha, R M Y NSRI0Wen/ St.Joseph Vaz College
78Ranasingha, H A M HSRI0Central College Kuliyapitiya
79Randeniya, R P M MahodyaSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
80Randila, R M YSRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
81Randiw, W USRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
82Rassnayaka, R M D ASRI0Nk/ Jayanthi Central College
83Rathnamalala, R I B J D BSRI0Vijayaba Central College
84Rathnayaka, D M T BSRI0Royal International School - Kurune
85Rathnayaka, R M D N BSRI0Vijayaba Central College
86Rathnayaka, R M S HSRI0Saranath College Kuliyapitiya
87Rathnayaka, R M V NSRI0Wickramashila National School
88Rathnayake, S YSRI0Maliyadeva College - Kurunegala
89Rodrigo, B K C D NSRI0Wen/ St.Joseph Vaz College
90Samannayake, K D D DSRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
91Sathsara, R K Nethusha SewminaSRI0Put/Anagarika Darmapala Primar
92Senavirathna, S M V MSRI0Nw/Giri/Mayurapada Central College
93Shanuka, K A A D ISRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
94Shenon, ChamiduSRI0St.John Paul II English Medium Coll
95Silva, A H Hiruja MihimithaSRI0Natt/ President National College
96Subasinghe, S M OsithaSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
97Subasinghe, T D SSRI0Royal International School - Kurune
98Thilakarathna, M A V TSRI0Mahindodaya Primary School
99Thudugala, T M S ASRI0Nw/Wa/ Sumangala Model School
100Usman, M Tharik ThakiSRI0Pu/Kanamoolai Muslim Maha Vidy
101Vidun, U G LSRI0Sri Rahula National College
102Wanigarathne, W A D NSRI0St.John Paul Ii College - Wennappuw
103Wanigasekara, W A S TSRI0Nw/ Giri/Sandalanka Central College
104Wasala, W M Gethmika RayonSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School
105Weerarathna, G D Lithila NimsithSRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
106Weerasinghe, L P P ASRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
107Weerasinghe, R A S SSRI0Royal International School - Kurune
108Welikumbura, D Y ISRI0Ch/ Ananda National College
109Wijerathna, W M JSRI0Ku/I/Shasthraavinda Piriven Vidyala
110Wijesinghe, L A K KSRI0Lyceum International School - Kuru
111Wijesinghe, W A J KSRI0Lyceum International School - Kuru
112Wijesundara, W M P ASRI0Royal International School - Kurune
113Wijeweera, W M SethdainanSRI0Ch/ Sugathananda Maha Vidyalaya
114Wimaladharama, R P T RSRI0Nw/Giri/Mayurapada Central College
115Yuhas, J A SwethaSRI0Nat/Dhammissara National School