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Mind Plus Centennial Chess Extravaganza 2024 - Galle Under 13 Girls (2011 & 2012)

Last update 03.08.2024 15:40:45, Creator: D G D Chamil Thilakarathna,Last Upload: Ruwantha

Starting rank list of players

No. NameFEDRtgsexClub/City
De Silva, H Shaini UmaraSRI0G/Revatha National School, Balapiti
Ranaweera, Sathini SinejaSRI0wG/Sri Sumangala National College
Savindi, M W SanchanaSRI0wG/Peraliya Sri Jinarathana Maha Vid
Senadheera, Thashara SansalaniSRI0Miriswatta Maha Vidyalaya, Bentota