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PGNs available to download below
1st [£100] FM Tanmay Chopra (8/9) 2nd [£60] FM Maciej Czopor (7.5/9) 3rd [£40] Manmay Chopra (6.5/9) 4th [£20] IM Yichen Han (6/9) Tied Rating prize U1950 [£30/2 = £15 each] Dimitrios Zakarian & Mohammad Mozaffari (5/9)Menchik Memorial Blitz Festival 2024 - 1st FIDE Blitz (31st August 2024) @7:30pmاخر تحديث01.09.2024 14:25:14, منشئ/آخر رفع: South African Chess Fed. (Licence 170)