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Orion Open U1800 Τετάρτης by A.C.C. ΠΑΡΑΒΟΛΟ: 25€ ώρα εναρξης 18.30

Posledná aktualizácia 17.09.2024 19:25:03, Creator/Last Upload: Greek Chess Federation

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Štartová listina

1Stamatelos, Dimitrios42147395GRE1644
2Sehas, Nikolaos4214064GRE1611
3Papadatos, Nikolaos P42155959GRE1608
4ACMChondroglou, Stergios25835416GRE1605
5Nikolakis, Konstantinos42156548GRE1537
6Koliopoulos, Dimitrios42130409GRE1509
7Chiras, Christos4240111GRE1430