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Hailo Chess Meetup A

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony01.08.2024 19:26:06, Creator/Last Upload: Israel Chess Federation (Licence 70)

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1Khachatryan, EdwardISR2200
2Luker, LiorISR2130
3Chaplinsky, YvgenyISR2129
4Yakoby, AlonISR2003
5Kogan, EdiISR2000
6Israelevich, IgalISR1957
7Bleich, ShauliISR1926
8Balter, OmerISR1900
9Lopatinsky, AlexISR1900
10Baron, RonnyISR1850
11Bloy, BoazISR1846
12Bukai, ShakedISR1846
13Brusilovski, LenaISR1838
14Golberg, MarkISR1831
15Sheldon-Mckenna, ShaunISR1800
16Ben Bassat, EyalISR1780
17Welt, ChananISR1767
18Gaster, TsurISR1700
19Rabnowicz, AlonISR1687
20Strasman, NeryISR1682
21Ekroni, AlonISR1673
22Perelmutter, MichaelISR1660
23Chikunov, RomanISR1650
24Gorelik, LeonidISR1650
25Uralevich, ItayISR1639
26Nahmias, MosheISR1635
27Stein, NizanISR1630
28Novgorodov, SlavaISR1625