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Yet another exciting Edition of our Youths and Cadets Chess Championships. This here is the Development Section strictly for Under 10 Girls only Age groups here are 2014 and 2015 Contact Vincent Masole at Whatsapp #+26772542227 for registration3rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships -Under 10 Girls Posledná aktualizácia 23.10.2024 19:30:51, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation
Štartová listina
č. | | T | Meno | FED | Elo | Klub |
1 | | | Chimwe, Kaylor Makatendeka | BOT | 0 | TLCS |
2 | | | Kanjoma, Kayla Ropafadzo | ZIM | 0 | Chess Knights Academy |
3 | | | Keaketswe, | BOT | 0 | |
4 | | | Matenge, Adriella Anele | BOT | 0 | DrivePoint Chess Academy |
5 | | | Moabi, Thobo | BOT | 0 | Chess Interactions |
6 | | | Moleleki, Anaya | BOT | 0 | Sozin Chess Academy |
7 | | | Mosenye, Kala Ayla Jano | BOT | 0 | St Joseph's Primary |
8 | | | Mpofu, Hope | BOT | 0 | DrivePoint Chess Academy |
9 | | | Paul, Arylyn | ZIM | 0 | Haig Park Primary |
10 | | | Paul, Hailey | ZIM | 0 | Haig Park Primary |
11 | | | Rakereng, Michelle | BOT | 0 | Chess Interactions |
12 | | | Ramontsho, Arefa A.A | BOT | 0 | Believer's Destiny Academy |
13 | | | Thusang, Lebone Reneilwe | BOT | 0 | DrivePoint Chess Academy |