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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
Yet another exciting Edition of our Youths and Cadets Chess Championships This is a Development Section for young Chess stars. Players in this Category are Born in 2016 and later. Contact : Vincent Masole at +267 72542227 for registration3rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - U8 Boys اخر تحديث27.10.2024 12:06:51, منشئ/آخر رفع: Botswana Chess-Federation
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | | اسم اللاعب | اتحاد | تقييم | نادي/مدينة |
1 | | | Botlhole, Kago Bigboy | BOT | 0 | |
2 | | | Kaboyaone, Vanya Kael | BOT | 0 | Hibiscus Learning Academy |
3 | | | Lehakwe, Geoffrey | BOT | 0 | Battle Squares |
4 | | | Makhurane, Shayne Tsireletso | ZIM | 0 | Chess Knights Academy |
5 | | | Mallavaram, Abinav Reddy | BOT | 0 | Thornhill Priamry |
6 | | | Mokefane, Morena | BOT | 0 | Hibiscus Learning Academy |
7 | | | Moses, Aone | BOT | 0 | Chess Interactions |
8 | | | Motlotlegi, Katlego Ushe | BOT | 0 | Chess Interactions |
9 | | | Mpho, Molemi Lehi Zander | BOT | 0 | Moroka Chess Academy |
10 | | | Mpomhori, Brandon | ZIM | 0 | Haig Park Primary |
11 | | | Mukwekwe, Nilan Nathan | ZIM | 0 | AvoPeach Xul of Chess |
12 | | | Senwelo, Thatego | BOT | 0 | Francistown School Of Chess |
13 | | | Seth, Sebina | BOT | 0 | Baobab Primary |
14 | | | Tamuthe, Yana Batani | BOT | 0 | Mmopane Primary School |
15 | | | Thotobolo, Setso | BOT | 0 | Hibiscus Learning Academy |