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Yet another exciting Edition of our Youths and Cadets Chess Championships This is a FIDE Rated Section closed for girls born in 2006 and later Participants in this Section should have a FIDE ID. (Please contact your National Associations for this) Age categories in this Section are , U14,U16 and U183rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Girls Վերջին արդիացում20.10.2024 22:26:42, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | Տիպ |
1 | | | Gogoma, Gamuchirai | 11015217 | ZIM | 1524 | U18 |
2 | | | Nalamalpu, Sai Shanvi | 11326778 | BOT | 1508 | u14 |
3 | | | Melissa, Nyashadzaishe Kambezo | 11008610 | ZIM | 1409 | U16 |
4 | | | Dikwetla, Eyana Niza | 11326425 | BOT | 0 | u14 |
5 | | | Makumbe, Anotida | | ZIM | 0 | U18 |
6 | | | Taruza, Tafadzwa | 11019140 | ZIM | 0 | U18 |
7 | | | Tlhako, Chantel Princess | 11329947 | BOT | 0 | U14 |