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Kangasalan viikonlopputurnaus 24.-25.8

Last update 18.08.2024 22:56:19, Creator/Last Upload:

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Starting rank list

1Mäki, Juha506354FIN2036TammerSh
2Asikainen, Eeli515990FIN2017TuTS
3Lallukka, Taneli510777FIN1971EtVaS
4Sissala, Jesse520063FIN1971CC Nokia
5Pihlajamäki, Seppo509213FIN1945VammSK
6Helmisola, Matti520039FIN1871CC Nokia
7Piho, Juha509310FIN1855AkaaS
8Aropaltio, Tapio514659FIN1853VSS
9Kesänen, Viljami508560FIN1848TammerSh
10Weman, Lauri521370FIN1668JyS
11Suvanto, Oula519782FIN1637KSK
12Kaitila, Aleksi519464FIN1597TammerSh
13Lallukka, Eloisa520667FIN1462EtVaS