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Last date for entry 23rd Aug 2024
1st Round Starts @ 9:30 AM Reporting Time : 9 AM on 25th Aug’24 AC Banquet Hall with Excellent Metro Connectivity (100 mtrs walk from Victoria Memorial Metro Station) Mineral Water Bottles will be provided for all Players Snacks will be provided for Players. You have Parking facility / Valet Parking also available.

Children's Champion's League 1st Edition : Under 13 on 25th Aug2024 at Minerva BlueFox A/c Banquet Hall, Kothapet,Hyderabad Ph 9885634523

Last update 18.08.2024 18:32:47, Creator/Last Upload: S Subbaraju Hyderabad

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Starting rank

1ACMJeev, Sphoorthi Gaddam25790374IND1417
2Ayushman, Pradhan531000207IND0
3K Chanakya Reddy,IND0
4Srirama Karthikeya,IND0