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Whale's First Chess Tournament U14 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony24.08.2024 16:49:33, Creator/Last Upload: computerfineman

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1Abifarin Feranmi,NGR0
2Abifarin Imisioluwa,NGR0
3Adelaja Bello Demilade,NGR0
4Akindele Isaac,NGR0
5Akindele Prosper,NGR0
6Audu Jonah,NGR0
7Ayeni Fareedah Oyinlomo,NGR0
8Ayeni Khalid Tunmise,NGR0
9Innocent Victor,NGR0
10Mubarak Yusuf,NGR0
11Ogunsanya Iteoluwaleyi,NGR0
12Ugochukwu Okechukwu Joel,NGR0