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Fejér Vármegye 2024. évi egyéni sakkbajnoksága

Last update 18.08.2024 19:18:14, Creator/Last Upload: kristof.deli

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Starting rank

1Nemeth, Miklos734128HUN2052
2Sarok, Peter716618HUN1988
3Gonczol, Gabor733156HUN1979
4Kecskemeti, Attila17022770HUN1727
5Sarok, Peter Jr.787795HUN1721
6Tari, Csongor17022606HUN1672
7Kaszab, Lazar Bonifac17022886HUN1660
8Balazsi-Schmidt, Csaba17023068HUN1628
9Suplicz, Mihaly Donat17025206HUN1573
10Tari, Arpad17022592HUN1480
11Papp, Erno Attila782734HUN1469
12Fazekas, Lena17030803HUN0
13Kecskes, Milan17027411HUN0