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the Climate Gambit rapid chess tournament-Erbil-C

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony30.07.2024 12:53:59, Creator/Last Upload: IRAQI Chess Federation

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1Sabah, Noori Qambir4830415IRQ1583
2Abduljabar Hussen Muslh,IRQ0
3Ahmed Ajeeb Ali,IRQ0
4Ali Abbas Aweed,IRQ0
5Hamad Rasheed Hamad,IRQ0
6Hazhand Hafedh Hama,IRQ0
7Khatoon Mahmood Ahmed,IRQ0
8Mamoud Anwar Ismail,IRQ0
9Nahro Musa Abid,IRQ0
10Nooraldeen Jamalaldeen Abbas,IRQ0
11Rebaz Kakl Ahmed,IRQ0
12Rezgar Ismail Ismail,IRQ0
13Zahed Abdulrazzaq Naeem,IRQ0