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Sunday Rated Rapid Tournament - August 2024

Darrera actualització18.08.2024 21:31:16, Creador/Darrera càrrega: StLuciaChess

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Rànquing inicial

1Elizee, Kaieem23000392LCA1705
2Wahid, Chelsea23000627LCA1503
3Benjamin, Liam23000945LCA0
4Benjamin, Nathan23000953LCA0
5Cilpa, D'yorni23000848LCA0
6De Leon, Ariel23000856LCA0
7Edgar, Corneilia23000635LCA0
8Eliotte, Sam23000562LCA0
9Noellien, Chaney Jr23000961LCA0
10Rajendran, Gnanam23000910LCA0
11Rock, Taliah23000970LCA0
12Sherwani, Zackariya23000988LCA0