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2do Torneo de Ajedrez Activo en Villalba (Aficionado)

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony11.08.2024 01:06:03, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Lista startowa

1Hernandez Betancourt, David J.3113477PUR1535
2Gonzalez Lopez, Pablo D.3108325PUR1513
3Perez Perez, Danay3109755PUR1512
4Acevedo Colon, Jocelyne3112381PUR0
5Agosto Lopez, Yassell3112438PUR0
6Ayala Davila, Maitreya3114902PUR0
7Baez Reyes, Jandiel J.3112535PUR0
8Blanco Segarra, Victor3104753PUR0
9Cruz Castro, Godrick3113485PUR0
10Cruz Castro, Onyx3113493PUR0
11De Hoyos Camacho, Sebastian3115518PUR0
12Gonzalez Torres, William S.3111032PUR0
13Gonzalez Torres, William Y.3111024PUR0
14Madera Ortiz, Jesus D.3108708PUR0
15Marti Pacheco, Iker3115380PUR0
16Melendez Lopez, Julio C3115534PUR0
17Munoz, Danny3115500PUR0
18Negron Perez, Joscar3113108PUR0
19Orr Eugene, Michael3113973PUR0
20Pacheco Rosario, Juan C.3112594PUR0
21Perez Duran, Kevin Y.3109615PUR0
22Rodriguez Torres, Ian M.3114791PUR0
23Ryder, Alexander3114139PUR0
24Ryder, Gabriella3114120PUR0
25Santiago Medina, Zhariell3115526PUR0
26Tavhare Mashere, Suraj3114929PUR0
27Tavhare Mashere, Tanvi3114910PUR0
28Tavhare, Siddhant3114856PUR0
29Torres Gonzalez, Jorge3112632PUR0
30Torres Nieves, Sebastian3112055PUR0
31Velazquez Ramos, Edwin J.3115488PUR0
32Velez Labrador, Joan E.3114457PUR0
33Velez Vazquez, Jerry3111644PUR0
34Zapata Vazquez, Josue D.3114384PUR0