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2do Torneo de Ajedrez Activo en Villalba Semi-Pro

Posledná aktualizácia 11.08.2024 01:05:47, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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Štartová listina

1WCMAlvarado Perez, Coralys M.3106373PUR1728
2Chevere Duperoy, Roberto3108791PUR1726
3Torres Diaz, Carlos D.3102238PUR1722
4Bennazar Nin, Antonio J.3105466PUR1695
5Vellon Naveira, Genesis3103714PUR1640
6Morales Butler, Emmanuel J.3110141PUR1620
7Tirado Vazquez, Luis J.3112675PUR1609
8De La Rosa Diaz, Osvaldo J.3109143PUR1607
9Colon Perez, Ian M.3112195PUR1598
10Ortiz Ortiz, Abner3110400PUR1575
11Rodriguez Rodriguez, Ian G.3112110PUR1513
12Vera Perez, Gabriela S.3108490PUR1437
13Cintron Rivera, Jaime3108520PUR0
14Perez Quinones, Malcom J.3113035PUR0
15Ramirez Zea, Rafael J.3109690PUR0