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2do Torneo de Ajedrez Activo en Villalba Semi-Pro Posledná aktualizácia 11.08.2024 01:05:47, Creator/Last Upload: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO
Štartová listina
č. | T | Meno | FideID | FED | Elo |
1 | WCM | Alvarado Perez, Coralys M. | 3106373 | PUR | 1728 |
2 | | Chevere Duperoy, Roberto | 3108791 | PUR | 1726 |
3 | | Torres Diaz, Carlos D. | 3102238 | PUR | 1722 |
4 | | Bennazar Nin, Antonio J. | 3105466 | PUR | 1695 |
5 | | Vellon Naveira, Genesis | 3103714 | PUR | 1640 |
6 | | Morales Butler, Emmanuel J. | 3110141 | PUR | 1620 |
7 | | Tirado Vazquez, Luis J. | 3112675 | PUR | 1609 |
8 | | De La Rosa Diaz, Osvaldo J. | 3109143 | PUR | 1607 |
9 | | Colon Perez, Ian M. | 3112195 | PUR | 1598 |
10 | | Ortiz Ortiz, Abner | 3110400 | PUR | 1575 |
11 | | Rodriguez Rodriguez, Ian G. | 3112110 | PUR | 1513 |
12 | | Vera Perez, Gabriela S. | 3108490 | PUR | 1437 |
13 | | Cintron Rivera, Jaime | 3108520 | PUR | 0 |
14 | | Perez Quinones, Malcom J. | 3113035 | PUR | 0 |
15 | | Ramirez Zea, Rafael J. | 3109690 | PUR | 0 |