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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة

2do Torneo de Ajedrez Activo en Villalba (Abierto)

اخر تحديث11.08.2024 01:05:32, منشئ/آخر رفع: FEDERACION DE AJEDREZ DE PUERTO RICO

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ترتيب البداية

رقماسم اللاعبرقم دولياتحادتقييم
1CMZilleruelo Irizarry, Diego3101460PUR2090
2Sotelo Kohama, Daniel3100170PUR2078
3FMAlmedina Ortiz, Edgardo J.3100197PUR2069
4FMRodriguez Santiago, Jaime3100898PUR2020
5CMMejias Nunez, Rafael E.3105873PUR1949
6Ng Mora, Jeffrey3109380PUR1890
7Matos Santoni, Gamalier3102009PUR1888
8Infante, Salvador E2017415USA1860
9Ng Mora, Joshua3109399PUR1817
10Torres Perez, Steven3105520PUR1809
11Rivera Cantu, Lemuel3104273PUR1806
12Rivera Vega, Javier3110877PUR1660
13Kiess Alfonso, Erwin S.3106780PUR1653
14Pedrosa Rivera, Joshua3110850PUR1612
15Hernandez Torres, Carlos Y.3115496PUR0
16Infante Pacas, Juan P.3114406PUR0
17Infante Pacas, Salvador A.3114392PUR0
18Infante Pecas, Nicolas3114686PUR0
19Pagan Schelmetty, Hiram3103366PUR0
20Ramirez Zea, Juan P.3109682PUR0