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National Junior Chess Championship 2024 - G12

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony08.08.2024 20:15:33, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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1Adhn Abdulla Nashith,MDV0
2Aishath Zaara Shimad,MDV0
3Aliya Ajwad Musthafa,MDV0
4Aminath Alaika Ashraf,MDV0
5Ayah Amir Musthafa,MDV0
6Ayana Mohamed Solih,MDV0
7Fathimath Lubana Mohamed,MDV0
8Fathimath Mana Binth Umar,MDV0
9Fathimath Yalene Hassan,MDV0
10Iffa Ibrahim Mahfooz,MDV0
11Isra Ihsan Sadiq,MDV0
12Jumainah Noorah Ahmed,MDV0
13Lana Ali Nazeeh,MDV0
14Malaak Ismail Mukhthaba,MDV0
15Manha Ahmed Shiyam,MDV0
16Maryam Eenaal Muaviyath,MDV0
17Tisha Ahmed Nazim,MDV0
18Yusairah Mohamed Yamany,MDV0
19Ziva Sophie Shiham,MDV0