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National Junior Chess Championship 2024 - G8

Senast uppdaterad08.08.2024 19:57:42, Creator/Last Upload: Maldives Chess Federation

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1Aishath Mansham Visham,MDV0
2Alaya Adam Ibrahim,MDV0
3Alaya Azmia Latheef,MDV0
4Amara Mohamed Aiysh,MDV0
5Aminath Anaath Nizam,MDV0
6Aya Ihsan Sadiq,MDV0
7Hajar Amelia Binth Nihaz,MDV0
8Ishya Ahmed Shifaz,MDV0
9Makeena Nausheen Ali,MDV0
10Misha Ahmed Ibrahim,MDV0
11Yumnu Ismail Rasheed,MDV0
12Zara Ahmed Didi,MDV0
13Zynab Ziva Zaid,MDV0