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Torneo Last Minute Arci Scacchi

Last update 29.07.2024 19:37:59, Creator/Last Upload: ArciBz

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1CMZammarchi, Massimo809543ITA2044BZ
2CMDe, Vita Gianni804487ITA1960BZ
3Addante, Francesco28540115ITA1751
42NPuechler, Ruben28564308ITA1707BZ
5ACMTerletskyi, Oleh Mykola28574052ITA1631
63NAgnoli, Tiziano28521820ITA1556BZ
73NStuffer, Harald28581776ITA1536BZ
8Puce, Alessandro23421398ITA1490
9NCMantuano, Nathan23421380ITA1472BZ
10NCFeng, Erick23404957ITA1399BZ
11Bissardella, FabioITA1399
12Bocchio, MirkoITA1399
13FMOlivetti, DavideITA2180
14Cavallo, ClaudioITA1399
15Poletti, CarloITA1399