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Omladinsko prvenstvo Crne Gore 2024 Վերջին արդիացում08.08.2024 21:39:21, Creator/Last Upload: Montenegro Chess Federation
Մեկնարկային ցուցակ
No. | | | Name | FideID | Ֆեդ. | Rtg | սեռ | Տիպ |
1 | | | Kovacevic, Dragoljub | 16502701 | MNE | 2001 | | U20 |
2 | | | Grbovic, Dino | 16509226 | MNE | 1986 | | U20 |
3 | | | Andjelic, Djordje | 16502094 | MNE | 1928 | | U20 |
4 | | | Perisic, Nikola | 16506049 | MNE | 1916 | | U20 |
5 | | | Milovic, Ilija | 16504330 | MNE | 1894 | | U20 |
6 | | | Zizic, Djordje | 16507223 | MNE | 1805 | | U20 |
7 | | | Mosurovic, Milena | 16505514 | MNE | 1731 | w | U20 |
8 | | | Djukic, Katarina | 16508874 | MNE | 1673 | w | U20 |
9 | | | Djendjinovic, Ines | 16509285 | MNE | 1649 | w | U20 |
10 | | | Adzic, Jovan | 16508572 | MNE | 1620 | | U20 |
11 | | | Vetnic, Milan | 16507169 | MNE | 1607 | | U20 |
12 | | | Djendjinovic, Danilo | 16509390 | MNE | 1561 | | U20 |
13 | | | Abdovic, Daris | 16506723 | MNE | 1528 | | U20 |
14 | | | Vujovic, Viktor | 16510763 | MNE | 1462 | | U20 |
15 | | | Maras, Marija Mia | 16509439 | MNE | 1457 | w | U20 |
16 | | | Vukovic, Stefan | 16512146 | MNE | 0 | | U20 |