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Torneo Tablero de Hierro Abierto - KFC Chess

Senast uppdaterad04.08.2024 20:42:09, Creator/Last Upload: ngaitan

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1Arce Escibar, Alejandro NatanaelNCA0
2Brenes Sanchez, Luis RodolfoNCA0
3Cross Gadea, Frederick AlainNCA0
4Cross Luna, Alain Gereld6113117NCA0
5Hernandez, Bryan EzequielNCA0
6Marin, Gomez Ian Javier6113400NCA0
7Reyes Montes, Walter AlexanderNCA0
8Rugama Mendoza, Josue Miguel6113044NCA0
9Tapia Gaitan, Maria BelenNCA0
10Villanueva Vega, JeysonNCA0