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Theme: Chess and Mental Health
Reg fees: Ugx 40,000 inclusive of lunch
Awards: Trophies, Medals and Certificates plus some other goodies.

Dove Junior Chess Championship 2024

Seinast dagført03.08.2024 14:27:34, Creator/Last Upload: ugandachess

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1Wabwire, Ronald10031251UGA1895U10KTLC
2Asaba, Juliet10023925UGA1733wU12KTLC
3Kazibwe, Jovan10042938UGA1673U16Caltec Academy
4Kiyan, Alpesh Hirani10020217UGA1596U12Aga Khan School
5Shoubhith, Omprakash Kayyar10021140UGA1560U14Aga Khan School
6Mwanje, Kathan Mickey10018026UGA1558U14Light Academy Secondary School
7Zalwango, Dasha Kibuule10018204UGA1551wU14Vienna College Namugongo
8Suhana, Anil Yadav10022848UGA1549wU12Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
9Ahumuza, Nyatia Aimee10022090UGA1519wU14Vienna College Namugongo
10Agaba, Sherry Ariella10022775UGA1500wU16Asifiwe International Academy
11Ahumuza, KaylaUGA0wU10Little petals Primary School
12Akampa, ElvisUGA0U14St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
13Alenzo, PagliucoliUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
14Assimwe, BriannaUGA0wU12St. Catherine Junior School Sonde
15Atarwot, IanUGA0U12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
16Ayiko, CholeUGA0wU12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
17Bagaga, AbbaUGA0U12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
18Baligeya, SashaUGA0wU14St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
19Buyondo, LeonUGA0U14St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
20Gum, AaronUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
21Iffah, Arifa Imtiyaz AhmadUGA0wU12Daffodils Primary School
22Ikoona, Janelle Janruth10051830UGA0wU14Bethel International Christian Scho
23Ikoona, Karren Kaila10051821UGA0wU16Bethel International Christian Scho
24Kabega, Adil Dean10052240UGA0U10The North Green School
25Kabugo, Fabiian SantosUGA0U12Childtime School Kkonge
26Kakyomya, Mason Kent JuanUGA0U6Greenhill Academy Buwaate
27Kamara, Rayan10046100UGA0U14Kibuli Secondary School
28Kasujja, BradlyUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
29Kiberu, PrimUGA0U12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
30Kigozi, Francis XavierUGA0U18St.Peter's Secondary School Bombo
31Kirabo, GabriellaUGA0wU8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
32Kugonza, ShammahUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
33Labuwah, Agape Kyria10051554UGA0wU12Heritage International School
34Mahago, DesmondUGA0U12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
35Manga, SheinazUGA0wU12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
36Manzi, AlbertUGA0U14St. Catherine Junior School Sonde
37Matovu, Jeremiah10025626UGA0U10Sports organisation of Lugazi
38Muhammad, RayyanUGA0U10Daffodils Primary School
39Muhanguzi, CamillaUGA0wU8Hormisdallen Primary School Gayaza
40Mukisa, Elijah Asha10011455UGA0U14Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
41Mukisa, EricUGA0U12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
42Mukisa, SeaniceUGA0wU12St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
43Musenze, Carlton MarkUGA0U16The North Green School
44Musenze, Charline Hannah10005692UGA0wU14The North Green School
45Muyingo, JoramUGA0U8Frobel Primary School
46Muyunga, KarenUGA0wU10Aga Khan School
47Mwesigwa, LouisUGA0U14St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
48Nabil, Ahmed10052550UGA0U12Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
49Nabirye, Joy10025693UGA0wU10Frobel Primary School
50Nadiope, DesmondUGA0U14St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
51Nongo, Jed10039872UGA0U14Shoma Christian Academy
52Nsiime, Flower AliceUGA0wU10Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
53Rukundo, ShyakaUGA0U6Clarke Junior School
54Rutvi, Thumala Naveenkumar10047271UGA0wU10Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
55Semwanga, AmosUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
56Tendo, Priscilla HannahUGA0wU10Aga Khan School
57Thakur, Mayank SinghUGA0U14Shree Sahajanand School Uganda
58Tumusiime, Myelah Darlene10040552UGA0wU10The North Green School
59Tutu, JesseUGA0U14St. Catherine Junior School Sonde
60Wagaba, JoelUGA0U10St.Catherine Junior School Sonde
61Waguba, CollinsUGA0U8St.Catherine Junior School Sonde