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2. Ekipno - prijateljski šahovski turnir mjesnih zajednic na području grada Lukavac za 2024 godinu

Վերջին արդիացում28.07.2024 20:54:31, Creator/Last Upload: Dado 87

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Աղյուսակ` ըստ դասակարգման

ՏԹիմ123456 TB1  TB2 
1MZ Gnojnica * 24913,5
2MZ Prokosovići * 334814
3MZ Gornja Dobošnica21 * 234612
4MZ Lukavac Grad12 * 3510
5MZ Donja Dobošnica011 * 215,5
6MZ Puračić002 * 15

Լրացուցիչ ցուցանիշներ:
TB1: Matchpoints (2 For wins, 1 For Draws, 0 For Losses)
TB2: points (game-points)