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Jugendschach-Rallye U16-Jugendturnier A-Turnier

Last update 22.09.2024 10:21:41, Creator/Last Upload:

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1ACMDeak-Sala, Daniel14107916341593U16Kjsv Wien
2Rella, Mario14079516001530U12Sk Gloggnitz
3Contala, Noel14659614760U08SK Pomgrad Hurska Sobota
4Pollak, Tony14330914781469U10Ask St. Valentin
5Driza, Matthias14136101413U10Ask Kottingbrunn
6Blazek, Raphael14201501410U10Sk Bad Erlach
7Loibl, Ella14220001365wU10Sk Sparkasse Baden
8Langeder, Pia14200114631362wU12Sk Gloggnitz
9Unger, Leo14326715241321U14Sk Sparkasse Baden
10Driza, Alexander14210301277U08Ask Kottingbrunn
11Winkelbauer, Markus14287401251U12Sk Sparkasse Baden
12Pillhofer-Schneider, Jan14287501238U12Sk Sparkasse Baden
13Teichmeister, Viktor14383101200U12Sc Raika Sieghartskirchen
14Sprung, Elena14663900wU14Sk Sparkasse Baden