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Selectivo Juvenil Femenino 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony02.08.2024 18:47:29, Creator/Last Upload: AjedrezCubano

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

7WFMCaballero Ramos, Greter3530655CUB2219
1WIMHernandez Gil, Ineymig3526216CUB2149
2WFMBosch Valls, Leannet Mariah3523489CUB2110
11WFMRodriguez Rivero, Jinela De Cari3533425CUB2107
8WFMMontejo Bello, Lorena Beatriz3529045CUB2100
6WFMLuis Alvarez, Elizabeth3529002CUB2084
4Pino Alvarez, Yaima3531201CUB2071
3Galan Palacio, Anjaly Daniela3530116CUB2056
12Manso Lopez, Rosangela3527182CUB2000
5Luis Alvarez, Isabela3530337CUB1983
10Cardenas Montano, Mariam Eliz3531856CUB1906
9Pino Alvarez, Yadira3530809CUB1906