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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
FIDE-100 اخر تحديث28.07.2024 11:25:24, منشئ/آخر رفع: CHESS FEDERATION OF MOLDOVA
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Remarciuc, Oleg | 13902237 | MDA | 2149 |
2 | | Cojocari, Dmitri | 13905880 | MDA | 2106 |
3 | | Cebotari, Stanislav | 13908200 | MDA | 2076 |
4 | | Sevciuc, Vladlen | 13902180 | MDA | 1937 |
5 | | Codreanu, Marius | 13907506 | MDA | 1925 |
6 | | Priseajniuc, Andrei | 13907700 | MDA | 1904 |
7 | | Golban, Liudmila | 13904663 | MDA | 1848 |
8 | | Grebeniuc, Alexandra | 13911635 | MDA | 1824 |
9 | | Carasiov, Artiom | 13909380 | MDA | 1783 |
10 | | Petrov, Daniel | 13912062 | MDA | 1761 |
11 | | Prikladov, Vladimir | 13904132 | MDA | 1740 |
12 | | Ermolenco, Anatolii | 13908383 | MDA | 1697 |
13 | | Lacusta, Valeriu | 13905830 | MDA | 1684 |
14 | | Buznea, Iustin | 13913557 | MDA | 1655 |
15 | | Gargan, Polina | 13911040 | MDA | 1587 |
16 | | Coval, Dmitrii | 13912470 | MDA | 1560 |
17 | | Zalevschi, Anastasia | 13911457 | MDA | 1539 |
18 | | Minzat, Victoria | 13913751 | MDA | 1498 |
19 | | Ciudin, Marina | 13913514 | MDA | 1456 |
20 | | Codrean, Gloria | 13914324 | MDA | 1419 |
21 | | Andronic, Sofia | 13914332 | MDA | 0 |
22 | | Bragari, Maxim | 13916882 | MDA | 0 |
23 | | Cislari, Oleg | 13913565 | MDA | 0 |
24 | | Crotov, Roman | 13912097 | MDA | 0 |
25 | | Ruban, Alexei | | MDA | 0 |
26 | | Vremes, Vasile | | MDA | 0 |