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Tercer Torneo Escolar de 4

Tercer Grand Prix Escolar Individual 2024 Categoria SUB 18 CLUB CAISSA GUATEMALA

Senast uppdaterad27.07.2024 19:39:50, Creator/Last Upload: Federation Nacional de Ajedrez de Guatemala

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1Monroy, GustavoGUA2022Valle Verde
2Cabrera Vásquez, Anna PaulaGUA2018Colegio Mano Amiga "Hermano Pedro"
3Fuentes Cabrera, Juan PabloGUA2018Capouilliez
4Herrarte, NicolasGUA2018Valle Verde
5López Castañeda, Mario RobertoGUA2018Capouilliez
6Paxtor, RodolfoGUA2018Liceo Javier
7Ramírez Gálvez, RichardGUA2018Valle Verde
8Quijivix Sanchez, Jose AntonioGUA1643Village School
9Pinzon Balan, Jose JeykGUA1590Kinal
10Bernhard Soler, JosefGUA1488Discovery