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Grand Roi Open Tournament 2024

Վերջին արդիացում03.08.2024 22:44:47, Creator/Last Upload: Togo Chess Federation

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1Abiodun, Grace OluwafunmilayoBEN0
2Abogbo, GibrilBEN0
3Agboton, Babatounde Frejuste PinocioBEN0
4Ahoyo, Lewis Segnon SheunBEN0
5Akinsanya, Olabode Teniola SemiloreBEN0
6Attade, Houenagnon ProsperJosiasBEN0
7Bassabi, FalilouBEN0
8Dadjo, Jesugnon Isaac FideleBEN0
9David, Arel EmericBEN0
10Diallo, Mamadou GboyiBEN0
11Gbaguidi, Ahonankpon Prince-FriedenBEN0
12Gnagbolou, Gilles MessanBEN0
13Kansoun, Louis-NinoBEN0
14Kindehou, Bignon EskyBEN0
15Macaulay, Jeremiah Baile-Atha-CliathBEN0
16Marotana, Femi ImdadBEN0
17Menda, Aman IlaidamaBEN0
18Nabia, Kamen DaveBEN0
19N'djambe, Andre Emmanuel Eloi E.BEN0
20Noudjinlodo, Mathis Victor FilolaBEN0
21Padonou, Brunel Faure BidossessiBEN0
22Salami, Talhat KolawoleBEN0
23Salifou, SaliouBEN0
24Tchohoungbo, Maxime StanilasBEN0
25Tokannou, Charen Kehat SetondjiBEN0
26Tossa, Thierry Ulrich CokouBEN0
27Van Dam, Luca MarinusBEN0
28Vieyra, Kolawole Junicio JeffersonBEN0