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Woodrose Tournament Sub 10

Last update 27.07.2024 13:10:39, Creator/Last Upload: Mosambique Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Faife, MollanMOZ0
2Ferreira, KaioMOZ0
3Gonsalves, YuriMOZ0
5Liam, JumaMOZ0
6Lyrson, marrangueneMOZ0
7Muhai, HamzaMOZ0
8Neuara, ArsĂȘnioMOZ0
9Prista, KianMOZ0
10Rogerio, KieranMOZ0
11Sengo, MartinMOZ0
12Sky, LyamMOZ0
13Tavares, RaeesMOZ0
14Uamusse, ThulanyMOZ0