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مشاهدة تفاصيل البطولة
II Torneo Interno ALMA Amateur 2024 اخر تحديث27.07.2024 19:52:53, منشئ/آخر رفع: fespinoza
ترتيب البداية
رقم | | اسم اللاعب | رقم دولي | اتحاد | تقييم |
1 | | Acevedo Pulido, Georgina Victoria | | NCA | 0 |
2 | | Acevedo Pulido, Jorge Luis | | NCA | 0 |
3 | | Acevedo Zeledon, Alvaro De Leon | | NCA | 0 |
4 | | Altamirano Mora, Engell iasias | | NCA | 0 |
5 | | Ayerdis Velasquez, Haring Lionel | | NCA | 0 |
6 | | Canales, Sebastian | | NCA | 0 |
7 | | Carmona Palacios, Adrián Matías | | NCA | 0 |
8 | | Gasden, Alexander | | NCA | 0 |
9 | | Hernandez Rojas, Isabella Valentina | 6113559 | NCA | 0 |
10 | | Hernández Rojas, Jacob Leonel | | NCA | 0 |
11 | | Marin Balmaceda, Sebastian Ivan | 6113257 | NCA | 0 |
12 | | Medrano, Jonathan | | NCA | 0 |
13 | | Medrano Miranda, Isabella Guadalupe | | NCA | 0 |
14 | | Medrano Miranda, Jennyfer Georghynna Auxiliador | | NCA | 0 |
15 | | Moody, Matheo | | NCA | 0 |
16 | | Morales Guido, Sara | | NCA | 0 |
17 | | Petters Rodrigues, Gael Ernesto | | NCA | 0 |
18 | | Rocha Rodríguez, Teofilo | | NCA | 0 |
19 | | Rodriguez Torres, Alexander Javier | | NCA | 0 |
20 | | Serrano Herrera, Guadalupe de Alfonso | | NCA | 0 |
21 | | Soza Funez, Bismarck | | NCA | 0 |
22 | | Espinoza, Sergio | | NCA | 0 |