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II Torneo Interno ALMA 2024

Darrera actualització27.07.2024 20:10:50, Creador/Darrera càrrega: fespinoza

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Rànquing inicial

1Espinoza Guerrero, Felix Alberto6104762NCA1886
2Serrano Herrera, Daniela De Andrea6107168NCA1600
3Oviedo Rocha, Mateo Javier6108598NCA1579
4Blanco Zapata, Kendry Johandry6113265NCA0
5Espinoza Guerrero, David Alexander6112390NCA0
6Espinoza, VictoriaNCA0
7Guevara Saenz, Oscar Emmanuel6113273NCA0
8Lara Rivas, Gerson JoelNCA0
9Lopez Urrutia, Diego Zahid6113443NCA0
10Ortega Díaz, Facundo JavierNCA0
11Petters Rodrigues, Fatima SofiaNCA0
12Rizo Melendez, Jonathan Josue6113281NCA0
13Rizo Rovira, Virgy Thais6112633NCA0
14Rocha Osejo, Deborah EstherNCA0
15Rocha Osejo, Teofilo AbrahamNCA0
16Rodriguez Hernandez, Ezequiel Alejandro6113206NCA0
17Soza Funez, Abigail EsmeraldaNCA0