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Tournament registration is FREE for ticket holders of ACC's World Chess Day main event! Get your tickets from $20/each now and secure your spot in this epic tournament. Limited spots available!

For the families: Children aged 13 years old and below are eligible for FREE entry when accompanied by a registered parent or legal guardian.

Prizes for Top 8.


Aliwal Chess Club World Chess Day 2024 Chess Tournament

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony28.07.2024 21:18:34, Creator/Last Upload: SiVCA

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Lista startowa

1CMJogstad, Daniel2123
2Mariroh, Fariha1976
3Chow, Jordan Max1955
4AIMLumapac, Christian1890
5Syed, Abdul Aziz Alkaff1846
6AFMAquino, Wil-Israel1811
7Tan, Jing Kai Bryce1749
8Chu, Mei Yin1732
9Law, Dominic1698
10Lim, Bernard Carleton1686
11Sim, Yan Xiang Ethan1603
12Low, Zhe Wei Javon1597
13AFMKhor, Eng Yeow1585
14Chan, Peng Jak1584
15Yeo, Jin Kai1540
16Low, Hei Yuet Cheryl1503
17Shahrudin, Shayaan Daniyal1495
18Yeo, Ryan1455
19Tan, Benjamin1451
20AFMYu, Christopher0
21Ang, Mason0
22Ashraf, Amirul0
23Bin Abdul Latif, Nawfal Iqmal0
24Bin Mohamad Zahari, Muhammad Faiz0
25Chia, Lisha0
26Chua, Franz Jerome0
27Chung-Logan, Kira0
28Galope, Bianchi0
29Hoo, Seng Chin0
30Kamath, Amith0
31Koh, Jing Xuan0
32Liew, Chien Ren Ryan0
33Mahmud, Muhammad Muzakir Bin0
34Mohamad Anuar, Hannah Amelia0
35Mohamed Bakri, Muhammad Muhibudin Waly0
36Ormichigos, Edison Canete0
37Pattiempully Uthaman, Sooraj0
38Reteracion, Kyle Reno Demandaco0
39Rosenbecker, Linnea0
40Tan, Keng Yong0
41Wong, Siew Ting0
42Zeng, Hanyi0