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Copa Integra School 2024 - Categoría Caballo

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.07.2024 23:17:35, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Lista startowa

1Acevedo Ortiz, Valeska AlejandraPAN0Instituto Panamericano
2Alvarez, DereckPAN0American School International
3Avedano, IanPAN0
4Azuaje, SergioPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
5Batista, GiaPAN0Instituto Cultural
6Beitia Carrillo, Valentina SofiaPAN0Instituto Cultural
7Bellido Jimenez, Alessandre MatteoPAN0Instituto Panamericano
8Canton Cruz, Sebastian EmilioPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
9Cardona Herrera, Alena MayteePAN0Oxford
10Carley Ruiz, Victoria SofiaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
11Castro, CarlosPAN0Instituto Cultural
12Cisneros, PaolaPAN0Instituto Cultural
13Duarte Toala, Daniel IsaacPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
14Figueroa Santana, Brianna VictoriaPAN0Oxford
15Gamboa Espino, MaximilianoPAN0Insituto Panamericano
16Gomez Carvallo, Brandon JosuePAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
17Gonzalez Diaz, María FernandaPAN0Academia Latina
18Gonzalez Gonzalez, Sophia VictoriaPAN0Instituto Panamericano
19Gonzalez Palma, Dylan AndresPAN0Instituto Cultural International Sc
20Gonzalez Pinango, María AlejandraPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
21Gonzalez Portillo, MatiasPAN0Oxford
22Lopez Mikkelson, Raul AlessandroPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
23Manzane Arenas, Dylan GabrielPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
24Medina Munoz, Juan ManuelPAN0Instituto Panamericano
25Montezuma, OirenmiPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
26Montilla Rivera, EythanPAN0Instituto Panamericano
27Perez, Mia IsabellaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
28Phillips, Renee AlejandraPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
29Pineda Gonzalez, Roman AlessandroPAN0American School International
30Ramirez, Ana SofiaPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
31Rivera Morales, Laura CarolinaPAN0Instituto Panamericano
32Rodriguez, Mia VictoriaPAN0Instituto Panamericano
33Rojas Valeri, Paul AlejandroPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
34Salas, Isaac AbdielPAN0Academia Latina
35Saldana Pineda, Jorge AntonioPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
36Sanchez Bultron, Roy IsaacPAN0American School International
37Sandoval Bouche, Thiago IvanPAN0Academia Latina
38Sicouret Fallas, Dexter AndreyPAN0Instituto Panamericano
39Torrealba, SebastianPAN0Oxford
40Torres Garrido, Aisha AndreaPAN0Instituto Cultural
41Villalobos, JavierPAN0
42Villarreal Moreno, María CristinaPAN0Oxford School Plaza Edison
43Vukelja, MikaelaPAN0Instituto Cultural
44Yaly Bohorquez, Abdiel IsaacPAN0Instituto Panamericano