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Copa Integra School 2024 - Categoria Peoncito

Posledná aktualizácia 28.09.2024 12:46:14, Creator/Last Upload: pepecarrillo

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Štartová listina

1Abarca, LucasPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
2Abrego Avendano, Jesus MatiasPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
3Acuna Gomez, AlejandroPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
4Avedano, IlanPAN0
5Bulgin Richardson, Lucas LaelPAN0Instituto Panamericano
6Burillo, DantePAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
7Carrasco Sierra, Mallaidth DenissePAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
8De Gracia, SofiaPAN0
9De Gracia, Yisath AndrePAN0American School
10De La Ossa Castillo, Mia GabrielaPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
11De Leon, AlessandroPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
12Diaz, SaraPAN0Oxford
13Duarte, BiancaPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
14Espino Centella, Sara ElizaPAN0Instituto Cultural
15Garcia, Sofia PaulettePAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
16Garcia, Victor MartinPAN0Instituto Cultural
17Garrido, Joed EnriquePAN0Scala Panama Este
18Gonzalez Alcide, Sion AntonioPAN0Instituto Panamericano
19Gonzalez De Witt, José GabrielPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
20Guardia, MaximoPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
21Guerra Mendoza, Maria IsabellaPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
22Haydn Escala, MelodyPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
23Liu, IanPAN0
24Lucas Cano, Tomas EduardoPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
25Madrid, LiamPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
26Marino Correa, LautaroPAN0Oxford
27Martinez Guevara, Josue RicardoPAN0Oxford
28Martinez, Leah AntonellaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
29Miranda, Lia MariePAN0Oxford
30Molino, Laura MariePAN0American School
31Pasco Guevara, Dylan JesusPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
32Perez Alhejoj, Emma LuciaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
33Rivas, Kemely IvannaPAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
34Robles Gomez, Nelson JavierPAN0Oxford
35Rodriguez Mendoza, Sherlyn NicolePAN0Colegio San Agustín Costa Verde
36Santos, AntonellaPAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde
37Tapia, OliverPAN0Oxford
38Torres Orozco, John AndrewPAN0The Oxford School Edison Park
39Vukelja, EmilPAN0
40Wan Loo, NathaliePAN0Colegio San Agustin Costa Verde