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Nuris Cafe Open 27/07/2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.07.2024 13:03:43, Creator/Last Upload: Seychelles Chess-Federation

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1Nyendwa, Sir AndrewSEY1600
2Pillay, HarishSEY1600
3Biscornet, LeonSEY1500
4Ramachandran, RajaganesanSEY1450
5Bonne, RobinSEY1400
6Pandu Rangan, RaneshSEY1350
7Sitkin, AlexanderSEY1350
8SEKAR, KiviyaSEY1300
9Saravanan, Shai KrishnaSEY1250
10Confianna, MatteoSEY1200
11Hussain, SufiyanSEY1200
12Macho, GonzalloSEY1200
13Mohamed Roshan, A.Shaazim EmreSEY1200
14Macho, CamilloSEY1150
15Focktave, AdamSEY1100
16Esther, NathanSEY1100
17Pillay, ShakthiSEY1100
18Vinoth Kumar, MalasriSEY1100
19ASHOKKUMAR, DharsanSEY1000
20Asman, CalvinSEY1000
21BARBE, ChrissieSEY1000
22Biscornet, DavidSEY1000
23BISCORNET, DeborahSEY1000
24BONNE, EltySEY1000
25Chetty, HarshiniSEY1000
26Deletourdie, JadenSEY1000
27Dixit, AmanSEY1000
28Eufasie, NathanSEY1000
29Gamage, AmadhiSEY1000
30Kiman, KianSEY1000
31Muchenga, JoelSEY1000
32Musa, GodfraySEY1000
33Payet, NicklausSEY1000
34Sekar, ThuvarakeshSEY1000
35Shah, JinanshSEY1000
36Tirant, MitchSEY1000
37Esparon, RicoSEY950
38Pragassen, MatthewSEY950
39Mwela, MwilaSEY900
40Kenpanaham.M.K, AkhurathSEY850
41Kannan, AbiSEY800
42Nyendwa, EmmanuelSEY750
43Babu, PranavSEY700
44Vinoth Prasath, ThulakshanSEY699