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3rd King’s Chess Club Round Robin classic championship, 2024

Ostatnia aktualizacja strony27.07.2024 09:53:34, Creator/Last Upload: Chess Federation of Pakistan-Official

Sortowanie zawodników wg Elo

2WCMMehak Gul,7800908PAK1726
3Hani Imran,7822170PAK1722
7Issam Bashir,7808500PAK1632
8Amr Iftikhar, Hashmi,7816332PAK1448
12Kumail Mehmood Ghumman,7832184PAK1430
11Chaudhry, Mysha Furqan,7817037PAK1411
1WNMAayat Asmi,7810776PAK1407
5Muhammad Hussain,7808429PAK0
9Muhammad Mahd Ali,7829396PAK0
6Musfira Mujahid,7832648PAK0
10Rayaan Rehman,7833520PAK0
4Shams E Rehmat,7818017PAK0