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Campeonato Nacional por Equipos 2024

Last update 11.10.2024 03:11:18, Creator/Last Upload: aneseso

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Team-Composition without round-results

  5. ONA-VEA (RtgAvg:1705 / TB1: 0 / TB2: 0) Captain: Hector Bernier
1Acevedo Harrison, Jose E.1930PUR31042650
2Ortiz Ocasio, Jose Antonio1801PUR31035100
3WCMAlvarado Perez, Coralys M.1689PUR31063730
4Bernier Gonzalez, Hector0PUR31089880
5Tirado Vazquez, Luis J.0PUR31126750
6Velez Vazquez, Jerry0PUR31116440