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Campeonato Abierto de Ajedrez por Equipos 2024

Last update 17.11.2024 23:56:49, Creator/Last Upload: aneseso

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Team-Composition without round-results

  3. Team Puerto Rico and Olivari Friends (RtgAvg:1890 / TB1: 4 / TB2: 7,5) Captain: Joshua Pedrosa
1CMMejias Nunez, Rafael E.2015PUR31058731,522178
2Carrion Perez, Louis E.1861PUR3103927010
3Pedrosa Rivera, Joshua1724PUR3110850241863
4Ng Mora, Joshua1921PUR3109399110
5Requena Torres, Luis A.1763PUR3105601231603
6Kiess Alfonso, Erwin S.1606PUR3106780141320