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Campeonato Abierto de Ajedrez por Equipos 2024

Last update 17.11.2024 23:56:49, Creator/Last Upload: aneseso

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  1. Asociacion de Ajedrez Metropolitano (RtgAvg:2295 / TB1: 10 / TB2: 20) Captain: Gabriel Pinales Roussel
1GMHauge, Lars Oskar2472NOR1509276552751
2GMChristiansen, Johan-Sebastian2661NOR1512668552662
3CMLugo Roldan, Jean P.2046PUR3104443332585
4CMPinales Roussel, Gabriel2000PUR3101762000
5Childers Pickett, Logan1927PUR3106918552359
6Melendez Padilla, Isabelo1876PUR3101010222431
  2. Moca Chess Club (RtgAvg:1903 / TB1: 7 / TB2: 12,5) Captain: Angel Beauchamp
1Beauchamp Perez, Angel A.1954PUR31036413,552101
2Ayala Sanchez, Abnel1950PUR3101380251856
3Gonzalez Gonzalez, Enoel1875PUR3100642121838
4Torres Perez, Steven1831PUR3105520231493
5Matos Santoni, Gamalier1830PUR3102009451553
  3. Team Puerto Rico and Olivari Friends (RtgAvg:1890 / TB1: 4 / TB2: 7,5) Captain: Joshua Pedrosa
1CMMejias Nunez, Rafael E.2015PUR31058731,522178
2Carrion Perez, Louis E.1861PUR3103927010
3Pedrosa Rivera, Joshua1724PUR3110850241863
4Ng Mora, Joshua1921PUR3109399110
5Requena Torres, Luis A.1763PUR3105601231603
6Kiess Alfonso, Erwin S.1606PUR3106780141320
  4. Punta Borinquen Chess Club (RtgAvg:1875 / TB1: 4 / TB2: 9) Captain: Omar Aneses
1Allen Medina, Josue1923PUR3101681141877
2Rosado Anazagasti, Rafael1898PUR31013121,551743
3Aneses Bocanegra, Omar1859PUR31002272,531625
4Concepcion Lopez, Juan Miguel1818PUR3101940241577
5Sepulveda Carrero, Jaime N.1644PUR3102351241371
  5. Yauco Chess Club A (RtgAvg:1823 / TB1: 7 / TB2: 11,5) Captain: Edison Burgos
1Font Alvelo, Joaquim2047PUR31002863,552078
2Burgos Rodriguez, Edison1882PUR3109283231978
3Rodriguez Salgado, Alberto1633PUR3102327251569
4Torres Acosta, Gael1617PUR3110770351695
5Camacho Fabre, Rafael1728PUR3101428121515
6Lajara Matei, Jeffrey0PUR000
  6. ONA-VEA 1 (RtgAvg:1771 / TB1: 5 / TB2: 10,5) Captain: Hector Bernier Gonzalez
1Vales Quinones, Pedro I.1839PUR3111717351758
2Figueroa Serrano, Kevin1755PUR311002803985
3Ortiz Ocasio, Jose Antonio1801PUR31035102,551447
4WCMAlvarado Perez, Coralys M.1689PUR3106373222115
5Bernier Gonzalez, Hector0PUR3108988231574
6Tirado Vazquez, Luis J.0PUR3112675121212
  7. Escuela de Ajedrez de Quebradillas (RtgAvg:1752 / TB1: 6 / TB2: 11) Captain: Emmanuel Morales J Butler
1Garcia Aguayo, Martin1991PUR3101665351800
2Ruiz Wilson, Reinaldo1823PUR3103668251634
3Morales Butler, Emmanuel J.1680PUR3110141351569
4Gonzalez Mercado, Christian1514PUR3111407351439
  8. Gigantes de Carolina (RtgAvg:1721 / TB1: 6 / TB2: 13) Captain: Eduardo Vera
1Deliz Orengo, Arturo1782PUR3110117121477
2Deliz Lopez, Adan G.1747PUR3109453241702
3Rivera Valentin, Christian Z.1695PUR31108184,552013
4De La Rosa Diaz, Osvaldo J.1660PUR31091430,521516
5Patel, Dhyaan1423PUR3112357451724
6Vera Ramirez, Eduardo A.0PUR3112810120
  9. ONA-VEA 2 (RtgAvg:1634 / TB1: 5 / TB2: 12,5) Captain: Hector Bernier Gonzalez
1Quinones Torres, Bryan1804PUR31024833,551710
2Acevedo Harrison, Jose E.1930PUR31042652,531831
3Leonardo, Santiago Rodriguez0PUR3113914241208
4Velez Vazquez, Jerry0PUR3111644341401
5Feliciano Morales, Carlos R.0PUR31089961,531254
6Urbina Velez, Edgardo A.0PUR3109208010
  10. Club de Ajedrez Guaynabo Mets (RtgAvg:1573 / TB1: 5 / TB2: 8,5) Captain: Jaime Rodriguez Santiago
1WCMVera Perez, Gabriela S.1713PUR31084900,531487
2Torres Nieves, Sebastian1529PUR3112055141370
3Concepcion Cruz, Yafet1629PUR3112560241391
4Cruz Castro, Onyx0PUR3113493121415
5Serrano Diaz, Abdiel O.1421PUR3113906010
6Cruz Castro, Godrick0PUR3113485221800
  11. Yauco Chess Club B (RtgAvg:1425 / TB1: 3 / TB2: 5) Captain: Malcom J. Perez Quinones
1Perez Quinones, Malcom J.1500PUR3113035241768
2Lajara Rodriguez, Jeffry0PUR3113116141379
3Butler Rivera, Karla M.0PUR03473
4Soto Nieves, Coralys0PUR03644
5Perez Martinez, Joel G0PUR000
6Torres Vidot, Lucas0PUR02200
  12. Equipo Femenino de Quebradillas e ICC (RtgAvg:1422 / TB1: 2 / TB2: 2,5) Captain: Danay Perez Perez
1Perez Perez, Danay1488PUR31097550,541567
2Malave Pallens, Meralis0PUR311495303980
3Ramos Cubero, Wanda0PUR311555004721
4Toro Velez, Nicole0PUR311117203632
5Acevedo Colon, Jocelyne0PUR311238102457
  13. Arecibo North Chess Club (RtgAvg:1400 / TB1: 3 / TB2: 4,5) Captain: Larry W. Malugin
1Malugin, Larry W.0PUR041054
2Albarran Torres, Hector0PUR3113094141388
3Ivan Santiago, Juan0PUR3113361141351
4Rodriguez Caballero, Lith Aury0PUR0,54912